Variations on a late sketch for a Bagatelle by Beethoven MP3 Score (2009)
Recently a short sketch for a Bagatelle from 1826 was identified among Beethoven's sketches for his last stringquartett op. 135. On this beautiful melancholic theme I wrote 7 variations for piano.
Symphonic Poem The Sun MP3 (2008)
This work wants to paint the rising of the sun, the sun beaming through the clouds, it's merciles power in the desert, it's life giving power and it's sunset at the end of a day. Just as well it may describe the rise, splendour & passing of a man
Symphonic Choral MP3
A solemn choral theme is introduced by the celli and then gradually overtaken by the other strings and finally by the whole orchestra. This is followed by a fugato. The movement ends jubilantly resuming the choral theme from the beginning.
String quartett f-minor I. Allegro MP3 Score (Oct-Nov. 2010)
Again a movement in classical styte on a melancholic Allegro theme which I love very much. In the Coda this comes forth in a beautiful Andante variation.
Adagio religioso for Stringquartett - Fantasia on the theme B-A-C-H MP3 (6,6 MB)

This is a very meditative Adagio in g minor for a stringquartett on the famous 4-note pattern B-A-C-H, on which also Beethoven in the year 1825 tried to compose a overture.
The atmosphere here is of deep sadness and pain. A contrasting second theme in Eb Major, a kind of choral, rises up from this like a solemn prayer conveying the love of God. Both parts are repeated but with even more intensity of expression.