In May 2005 my wife and I made a 4 day trip to Vienna to to get to know the places in which my heroes, Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert were living. Long had I been dreaming of it , but always it seemed to be too far for me (an 8 hour journey by train). In summer we got to know a kind family from Vienna  in our vaccation in Italy who invited us to visit them. Well, that's what we happily did! Here now some pictures which are related to Beethoven...

Beethoven in Heiligenstadt (1802):

Beethoven in Mödling (1819):

Beethoven in Baden, "Haus of the Ninth" (1822 and 1823):



 Notes for the 9th symphony which Beethoven wrote on his window shutter(!!) ("Seid umschlungen Millionen", "Freude..."):

another house from Beethoven in Baden:

Mozart's "Ave verum" church in Baden:

Schwarzspanierstrasse - here formerly was the      Appartment where Schubert died , 2nd floor
house where Beethoven died (original house):